Tuesday, 21 September 2010

stroy board

 this is a tipical english police officer badge and ID.

                                        this is a british riot team in a english road.
this is a english police station and a british cab that show it is to a british audience

                                       this is apointed at the british because it says 'vodafone uk'
                                        this is what english police men look like in their uniform
                                                  a english pub, can tell by the contage look.
                          directed at english people because the legal age of drinking in th U.S is 21 not 18.
                              a english police station is a cotage like it would be in the contry side unlike in U.S.
                                                      look like the contry side in britan not U.S.
he has parked the right side of the road and the roads are to small to be amierca.

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