Thursday, 30 September 2010

Evaluation of Magazine cover

We looked at some magazine covers and see how they could be improved and more apealing to teenages.

So miss elger set us the task to make are own magazine cover and contets page on photo shop. We were told to plan the cover and the contents page on a peice of A3 paper, and were to put our cover lines and masthead. After planning we were told to take a mid shot of a person to put on the front of the magazine and put it on photo shop. When it was on photo shop we had to cut it out and include the cover line and masthead then get onto the the contents page after. With the contents page i just put some cover lines in and picture around them.

By doing this task i learnt how to use alot of the basics on photo shop as i had no idea how to use it before. Now i have more confidence using it now.

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